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snippet: Risk area for arsenc in type A water from private water supplies in Scotland
summary: Risk area for arsenc in type A water from private water supplies in Scotland
extent: [[-8.33670278825013,54.5494840457991],[-0.721669980015472,60.850454299444]]
accessInformation: Ioannah Akoumianaki; Adekunle Ibiyemi & Jackie Potts
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Private water supplies (PWS) and users of the waters are responsible for the quality of the water unlike public water supplier who is solely responsible. When PWS serves 50 or more people it is termed type A PWS in Scotland. Relevant data spanning 2009 – 2015 were statistically and spatially analysed to identify risk areas for a set of water chemistry parameters. The map shows area with risk of arsenic contamination in type a – PWS in Scotland.
licenseInfo: None
title: Hutton_CREW_RiskAreaforArsenic
type: Map Service
tags: ["Water;water quality"]
culture: en-GB
name: Hutton_CREW_RiskAreaforArsenic
guid: 8C00C9CB-FF98-419D-9D6F-AC0F9E67F40D
spatialReference: British_National_Grid