Description: The Culture Heritage Indicator for Scotland has been created from the sub-indicators Time Depth and Historic Richness that represent known attributes of cultural heritage. For a description of Time Depth and Historic Richness see data in the Natural Asset Register: Data Portal. This indicator provides a representation of the cultural heritage in Scotland through integrating land use history and historic elements.
Copyright Text: Aalders, I., Stanik, N., Miller, D.R.
Description: The Time Depth of historic land use in Scotland has been created as a sub-indicator of the CES Cultural Heritage class indicator. This sub-indicator represents the length and diversity of the history of land use. The sub-indicators are developed using the historic land use data of the Historic Land Use Assessment (HLA by Historic Environment Scotland) and represent both the spatial and temporal dimensions of the land use history of Scotland calculated by landscape character areas (LCA level 3 by Scottish Natural Heritage).
Copyright Text: Aalders, I., Stanik, N., Miller, D.R.
Description: The Historic Richness for Scotland has been created as a sub-indicator of the Cultural Heritage class indicator. This sub-indicator is created from national level data of historic elements identified as nationally important (scheduled monuments, battlefields, gardens and designed landscapes, listed buildings (A-status)) and world heritage sites data (by Historic Environment Scotland) in the landcape. The indicator reflects both the fequency and diversity of the elements by landscape character areas (LCA level 3 by Scottish Natural Heritage).
Copyright Text: Aalders, I., Stanik, N., Miller, D.R.