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Service Description: This is the digital dataset which was created by digitising the Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Soil maps and the Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Dyeline Masters. The Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Soil maps were the source documents for the production of the Soils of Scotland 1:63,360 and 1:50,000 published colour map series. The soil map units are based on Soil Associations, Soil Series and Phases which reflect parent material, major soil group, and major soil sub-groups, drainage and (for phases), texture, stoniness, land use, rockiness, topography and organic matter. Phases are not always mapped. In general terms this dataset primarily covers the cultivated land of Scotland but also includes some adjacent upland areas and the Island of Mull and the Ardnamurchan peninsula. While all of the available source documents for this map series have been digitised, additional areas mapped at higher resolution for specific purposes have not been digitised.
This data set is the final iteration of a phased revision. This data is Version 10. It supercedes previous phases and versions and it is being released on 27th July 2022.
The digitising of the recently added data was funded by the Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government.
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Copyright Text: Soil Survey of Scotland Staff (1970-1987). Soil maps of Scotland (partial coverage). Digital version 10 release. James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen. DOI 10.5281/zenodo. 6908156.
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Tile Info:
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[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
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XMax: -195295.86877684895
YMax: 8265866.877845511
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Comments: This is the digital dataset which was created by digitising the Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Soil maps and the Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Dyeline Masters. The Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Soil maps were the source documents for the production of the the Soils of Scotland 1:63,360 and 1:50,000 published map series. The classification is based on Soil Associations, Soil Series and Phases which reflect parent material, major soil group, and soil sub-groups, drainage and (for phases), texture, stoniness, land use, rockiness, topography and organic matter. Phases are not always mapped. In general terms this dataset initially covered the arable areas of Scotland, but progressively more of the upland areas are being added. Not all of the available source documents have been digitised. Attribute definitions: The attributes on each map (coverage) are specific to that map sheet, but in general terms the following categories are mapped: soil association, soil series, parent material, soil complexes, soil phases, skeletal soils, alluvial soils, organic soils, miscellaneous soils, mixed bottom land, built-up area, quarries/disturbed ground, collieries/bings, golf courses.This data set is undergoing a phased revision.
In Phase 6 (April 2019) a substantial additional area of soils mapping in the north (1,637 km2) and south (1,682 km2) of Scotland was added to the dataset. In the southern area (corresponding to sheets NY48/49/58/59) as no large scale published soils maps have been created, the soils data relating to these maps was collected largely at a reconnaissance level for the 1:250,000 scale soil survey and was enhanced by interpretation of aerial photograph imagery.
Phase Seven included data for the Orkney Islands and it was released on 3rd September 2020.
This version of the data is Phase Eight and the data is Version 9. Phase Eight includes data for the county of Caithness and part of Sutherland. Phase Eight supersedes previous phases and it is being released on 4th August 2021.
The digitising of the recently added data was funded by the Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government.
Subject: This is the large scale Soils of Scotland and it covers the main cultivated areas of Scotland.
Keywords: soil,Scotland
AntialiasingMode: Normal
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Min Scale: 9244648.868618
Max Scale: 4513.988705
Min LOD: 4
Max LOD: 17
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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