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snippet: Map of soil erosion risk (partial cover).
summary: Map of soil erosion risk (partial cover).
extent: [[-9.22877417072715,54.5130069395524],[-0.705672704908874,60.8612660585131]]
accessInformation: Baggaley, N.J., Lilly, A.
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The map shows the risk of a bare soil being eroded by water under intense or prolonged rainfall and primarily covers the cultivated land in Scotland. Soils with mineral topsoils have been classified separately from those with organic (peaty) surface layers. The risk of soil erosion is shown in 3 main classes for soils with mineral topsoils; High, Moderate or Low. The risk of erosion is greatest on coarse textured soils with a low water adsorption capacity on steep slopes. Each main class is divided into 3 subclasses (H1-3, M1-3 and L1-3) with the greater numbers in each risk class indicating a higher risk of erosion due to increases in slope, soil textures becoming more coarse and/or the soils having a lesser ability to absorb rainfall. The risk of soil erosion for soils with organic (peaty) surfaces is also shown in 3 classes; High, Moderate or Low. The Moderate and Low erosion risk classes are divided into subclasses (Mi–iv and Li-iii) with the greater numbers (i-iv) in each risk class indicating a higher risk of erosion due to increases in slope and/or the soils having a lesser ability to absorb rainfall. Please note that as this layer has been produced using raster slope data the map has a "blocky" appearance.
licenseInfo: Open Data
title: Map of soil leaching potential (partial cover)
type: Map Service
tags: ["soil risk"]
culture: en-GB
name: Hutton_SoilErosionRisk_Partial
guid: AED703DC-419D-420C-9C48-60F0E52AED0A
spatialReference: British_National_Grid