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Service Description: Methodology
1. Data on the individual soil profiles held within the Scottish Soils Database were used to determine the texture of each soil series shown on the 1:25 000 scale maps that delineate the NVZs. 2. The measured particle size data for each soil horizon (layer) was classified to a depth of 80 cm into a soil texture type based on the British Standard Texture Classes and assigned to one of the five categories (shallow soils - SS, sands - S, sandy loams - SL, other mineral soils - OMS, humose soils - HS, peaty soils - PS.
3. The digitial soils data were categorised according to these classes using expert knowledge to interpret the 1:25 000 soil series maps.
4. Where a soil series could not be allocated to one of these classes, for example, where soil textures changed abruptly with depth or where there were a significant proportion of the soil profiles examined had a different soil texture class, they were allocated to a hybrid class.
Map Name: Soil Texture
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Copyright Text: Please refer to metadata
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Tile Info:
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Spatial Reference: 102100
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Document Info:
Title: Soils_250K_repairs_01
Author: dd40096
Comments: Methodology
1. Data on the individual soil profiles held within the Scottish Soils Database were used to determine the texture of each soil series shown on the 1:25 000 scale maps that delineate the NVZs. 2. The measured particle size data for each soil horizon (layer) was classified to a depth of 80 cm into a soil texture type based on the British Standard Texture Classes and assigned to one of the five categories (shallow soils - SS, sands - S, sandy loams - SL, other mineral soils - OMS, humose soils - HS, peaty soils - PS.
3. The digitial soils data were categorised according to these classes using expert knowledge to interpret the 1:25 000 soil series maps.
4. Where a soil series could not be allocated to one of these classes, for example, where soil textures changed abruptly with depth or where there were a significant proportion of the soil profiles examined had a different soil texture class, they were allocated to a hybrid class.
Soil Texture Assessment
1. Does the moist soil feel or sound gritty? No -> 5, Yes -> 2
2. Is the soil cohesive? No -> Sand, Yes -> 3
3. Can the soil be rolled into a ball? No -> Loamy sand, Yes -> 4
4. Does the soil feel smooth and silky as well as gritty? No -> Sandy loam, Yes -> Sandy silt loam
5. Does the soil mould to form an easily deformed ball and feel smooth and silky? No -> 6, Yes -> Silt loam
6. Does the soil mould to form a strong ball that smears but does not take a polish? No -> 9, Yes -> 7
7. Is the soil also rough and gritty? No -> 8, Yes -> Sandy clay loam
8. Is the soil also smooth and silky? No -> Clay loam!, Yes -> Silty clay loam
9. Does the soil mould like plasticine, polish and feel very sticky when wetter? No -> Start again!, Yes -> 10
10. Is the soil also rough and gritty? No -> 11, Yes -> Sandy clay
11. Is the soil also smooth and buttery No - > Clay, Yes -> Silty clay
Subject: Soil texture based on Hutton 1:25,000 Soils Data. Updated in July 2016 to cover Nitrate Vulnerable Zones as revised in 2015/16.
Keywords: NVZ,texture
AntialiasingMode: Normal
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON
Supports Query Data Elements:
Min Scale: 3.6978595474472E7
Max Scale: 9027.977411
Supports Datum Transformation: true
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