Value: 3.1 Label: 3.1 - Land capable of producing consistently high yields of a narrow range of crops and/ or moderate yields of a wider range. Short grass leys are common. Description: Symbol:
Value: 3.2 Label: 3.2 - Land capable of average production though high yields of barley, oats and grass can be obtained. Grass leys are common. Description: Symbol:
Value: 4.1 Label: 4.1 - Land capable of producing a narrow range of crops, primarily grassland with short arable breaks of forage crops and cereal. Description: Symbol:
Value: 4.2 Label: 4.2 - Land capable of producing a narrow range of crops, primarily on grassland with short arable breaks of forage crops. Description: Symbol:
Value: 5.1 Label: 5.1 - Land capable of use as improved grassland. Few problems with pasture establishment and maintenance and potential high yields. Description: Symbol:
Value: 5.2 Label: 5.2 - Land capable of use as improved grassland. Few problems with pasture establishment but may be difficult to maintain. Description: Symbol:
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