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snippet: Methodology 1. Data on the individual soil profiles held within the Scottish Soils Database were used to determine the texture of each soil series shown on the 1:25 000 scale maps that delineate the NVZs. 2. The measured particle size data for each soil horizon (layer) was classified to a depth of 80 cm into a soil texture type based on the British Standard Texture Classes and assigned to one of the five categories (shallow soils - SS, sands - S, sandy loams - SL, other mineral soils - OMS, humose soils - HS, peaty soils - PS. 3. The digitial soils data were categorised according to these classes using expert knowledge to interpret the 1:25 000 soil series maps. 4. Where a soil series could not be allocated to one of these classes, for example, where soil textures changed abruptly with depth or where there were a significant proportion of the soil profiles examined had a different soil texture class, they were allocated to a hybrid class.
summary: Methodology 1. Data on the individual soil profiles held within the Scottish Soils Database were used to determine the texture of each soil series shown on the 1:25 000 scale maps that delineate the NVZs. 2. The measured particle size data for each soil horizon (layer) was classified to a depth of 80 cm into a soil texture type based on the British Standard Texture Classes and assigned to one of the five categories (shallow soils - SS, sands - S, sandy loams - SL, other mineral soils - OMS, humose soils - HS, peaty soils - PS. 3. The digitial soils data were categorised according to these classes using expert knowledge to interpret the 1:25 000 soil series maps. 4. Where a soil series could not be allocated to one of these classes, for example, where soil textures changed abruptly with depth or where there were a significant proportion of the soil profiles examined had a different soil texture class, they were allocated to a hybrid class.
extent: [[-2.59930297615972,56.7827001313958],[-2.39733800442352,56.9265985294179]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: Glensaugh_NVZ_Soil_Texture_2016
type: Map Service
tags: ["NVZ","Scotland","Hutton","Soil"]
culture: en-GB
name: Glensaugh_NVZ_Soil_Texture_2016
guid: 4B663540-0C86-491D-A651-22D4F24ECB15
minScale: 0
spatialReference: British_National_Grid