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snippet: Shows the distribution of carbon and peatland. It indicates the likely presence of carbon-rich soils, deep peat, and priority peatland habitat for each individually mapped area.
summary: Shows the distribution of carbon and peatland. It indicates the likely presence of carbon-rich soils, deep peat, and priority peatland habitat for each individually mapped area.
extent: [[-2.62737950984928,56.7832164077039],[-2.40510909794153,56.935305118764]]
accessInformation: The James Hutton Institute & Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Shows the distribution of carbon and peatland. It indicates the likely presence of carbon-rich soils, deep peat, and priority peatland habitat for each individually mapped area.
licenseInfo: None but use for Research Farm projects only
title: CarbonPeatland2016
type: Map Service
tags: ["peat","carbon","peatland"]
culture: en-GB
name: CarbonPeatland2016
guid: 61EBC2BB-BC14-4D22-8DE0-D27D370FE31D
spatialReference: British_National_Grid