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Mission Details page

In the Create New Mission panel, you can add information to define the details about the new mission. The only required field when creating a mission is Mission Name. Everything added at initial creation can be edited later on the Mission Details page. Descriptions of the options are below.

  • Mission Name—This field is what the mission will be known by. A mission name is determined by the organization and organizational requirements, but should be easily distinguishable from other missions, based on those requirements.
  • Summary—A brief description of the mission appears on the View Missions tab and on the Mission Details page.

Additional detail options

Below these options is the Additional Details drop-down menu with the following options:

  • Description—Additional information relevant to the mission, similar to the summary. It does not appear on the View Mission tab and is only displayed on the ArcGIS Mission Manager Overview tab and theArcGIS Mission Responder Mission Details page.
  • Tags—Any relevant tags that help with searches can be added here.
  • Terms of Use—Any restrictions, disclaimers, limitations, or conditions for use can be added here, based on organizational requirements.

This is not a comprehensive list of all the tools and options on the Mission Details page, and everything added at initial creation can be edited later.

Once you add a title, you can move to the map panel to choose your basemap. Alternatively, if the map is acceptable with its default basemap and zoom extent, click Create New Mission.