{ "culture": "en-GB", "name": "RBGE_Epiphyte_Diversity_CC_Risk", "guid": "C78346DD-4E26-4CC5-A52A-BE3390F62CDE", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Scotland has international conservation responsibility towards 'cryptogamic' bryophytes and lichens, especially epiphytic species (growing on trees) that characterise its globally rare temperate rainforest. This dataset has identified the landscapes ", "description": "To provide information relevant to spatial planning for improved woodland condition, and/or for increased woodland extent/connectivity. Landscapes with high diversity, high climate change exposure, but vulnerability in terms of woodland habitat availability, can be identified and targeted for action.\nHectare: total extent of native woodland in hectares for each 10 km grid-square. Derived from the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland.\nPer_hectar: total extent of native woodland in hectares for each 10 km grid-square expressed as a percentile.\nLoss: the projected summed loss of suitable environmental space for epiphyte species experiencing a decline in environmental space, from the baseline to the 2080s (10 km grid-square scale)\nPer_loss: the projected summed loss of suitable environmental space, expressed as a percentile\n\nQQ: codes for all pairwise combinations of Per_hectare and Per_loss, when split into percentile categories of less than 0.25, 0.25-0.75, and greater than 0.75", "summary": "Scotland has international conservation responsibility towards 'cryptogamic' bryophytes and lichens, especially epiphytic species (growing on trees) that characterise its globally rare temperate rainforest. This dataset has identified the landscapes ", "title": "RBGE_Epiphyte_Diversity_CC_Risk", "tags": [ "climate change risk", "epiphytes", "lichens", "woodland spatial planning" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -6.44840290238899, 54.7825658851833 ], [ -2.45862795084095, 58.5324528421804 ] ], "spatialReference": "British_National_Grid", "accessInformation": "Ellis, C.J. & Eaton, S. (2018) The biogeography of climate change risk for Scotland\u2019s woodland biodiversity: epiphytes. Scottish Geographical Journal, 134: 257-267", "licenseInfo": "Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Open Data Licence" }