{ "culture": "en-GB", "name": "Hutton_InVEST_Nutrient_Sediment", "guid": "61B1FC6B-1883-4100-B2FC-03E2F0961B8E", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "These maps were produced using outputs from the InVEST sediment delivery and nutrient retention modules.", "description": "Sediment retention\n The InVEST sediment delivery module was used to produce the map across mainland Scotland. The model works at the spatial resolution of the input DEM raster but returns the output summarized at sub-catchment level. For each pixel the soil loss reaching the catchment outlet is calculated by the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) as: USLE = R x K x LS x C x P where R is the rainfall erosivity, K is the soil erodibility factor, LS is the slope length-gradient factor, C is the crop/vegetation and management factor, P is the support practice factor. Sediments are routed through the landscape using the terrain model \nThe following maps represent four different attribute of the same feature: \u2022 the ratio between the sediment actually exported from the catchment and the potential soil loss (USLE) in kg/ha \u2022 the ratio between the sediment retained in the catchment and the potential soil loss (USLE) in kg/ha \u2022 the percentile ranking of the sediment export \u2022 the percentile ranking of sediment retention These variables have discretised in 6 intervals. Because the slope parameter had a significant influence in the soil loss calculation, the steepest areas are highlighted as exporting more sediments. However the mitigating effect of measures such as stone dykes is not estimated due to lack of data.\n\nScotland Nitrogen retention \nThe InVEST Nitrogen retention module was used to produce the map for mainland Scotland. The model calculates the amount of nutrient retained on every pixel and sums nutrient export and retention per sub-watershed. Using the water routing process the model returns the nitrogen loading that reach the stream aggregates to the sub-watershed level. \nThe map is characterized by 4 different attributes: \u2022 ratio between the loading value and the nutrient exported from the sub-watershed \u2022 ratio between the loading value and the nutrient retained from the sub-watershed \u2022 the percentile ranking of the nutrient export per sub-watershed in kg/ha \u2022 the percentile ranking of the nutrient retention per sub-watershed in kg/ha. As in the sediment model, the attributes described above have been discretised in 6 classes to identify the best/worst nutrient retention areas.\n", "summary": "These maps were produced using outputs from the InVEST sediment delivery and nutrient retention modules.", "title": "Hutton_InVEST_Nutrient_Sediment", "tags": [ "sediment", "nutrient" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/{5D0B8134-1662-441B-AB5F-7400A50DD0D3}.png", "url": "http://abgis01.hutton.ac.uk:6080/arcgis/services/Hutton_InVEST_Nutrient_Sediment/MapServer", "extent": [ [ -9.22622079955025, 54.5130661955016 ], [ -0.707895417950283, 60.866753384171 ] ], "spatialReference": "British_National_Grid", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "Copyright James Hutton Institute" }